WaND are experts in bringing the public and private sectors together to procure, build, maintain and manage infrastructure.


Central & Wider Government

Professional Services & Supply Chain

Who are WaND​

WaND are an experienced, specialist consultancy whose core business is in helping the private and public sectors better understand each other and work together to deliver public infrastructure and related services. Since 2012, WaND has established a reputation across industry by successfully supporting procurements and projects related to construction, facilities management, property development, programme management and technical services.

Sue Whitehead
Ian Dennison
John Sunderland
David Olney
Non-Executive Director
Chantal Ferrar
Business Manager

Our Services

We provide full support, from analysing government strategies and creating capture plans to submitting tenders and preparing for negotiations, maximising your success in complex procurements.

Supporting Industry

WaND helps organisations to secure public sector contracts across the infrastructure industry.

Working with Public Authorities

Our backgrounds in frontline management of complex property and infrastructure supporting public sector service delivery, combined with our industry experience…

The Future of Infrastructure

The majority of the 700+ PFIs currently in operation are either infrastructure-based or have significant infrastructure consequences.

Our Sectors

Central & Wider Government

We guide industry through Defence procurement, from positioning and responding to tenders to mobilizing for major projects…

Professional Services & Supply Chain

We help companies connect with public authorities and Tier 1 Primes, either directly or through the supply chain…


We guide industry through Defence procurement, from positioning and responding to tenders to mobilising for major projects… 

Our Clients

Case Studies

Since 2012 WaND has supported 30+ Clients across 150+ major procurements. Here are recent examples of work winning support

The Driver Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) was nearing the end of a 20-year PFI contract to manage and maintain its estate and infrastructure. This estate consists of 12 buildings across three DVLA sites and provides workspace for the 6,000+ DVLA staff who administer 52 million driver records and collect £7bn vehicle excise duty annually. The PFI was being replaced with a 5 Year+ Hard FM Contract commencing in April 2025. Our client, a major FM entity, had long targeted the DVLA and engaged WaND to assist them in navigating the tender and provide perspective on the impact of a post PFI environment.
The Metropolitan Police initiated a procurement competition seeking a single industry partner to provide hard FM and engineering services. The Met had decided to transform its relationship with industry, moving from a North and South model to a single partnering arrangement to maintain its complex, critical and diverse estate. This estate, covering 160 sites, includes non-standard assets ranging from aviation, stables, port and training facilities to micro assets such as 36,000 lockers. Our Client, a major UK FM entity, had targeted the contract as a new business opportunity and tasked WaND with supporting them in securing it.
As part of its Defence Estates Optimization Programme (DEOP), MOD sought Delivery Partners for 5 Regional and 6 Major Projects packages of accommodation and technical infrastructure, totaling £3.65Bn. Our Client considered achieving a significant role in DEOP as fundamental to its defence business.

Our Partners

We have a number of informal strategic partnering arrangements with other sector specialists and often work alongside them when supporting a client as our services are complementary. These include Cargyll, Akerlof, Electi, SecureConstruct and HLM Architects.